How to stop feeling lonely and connect with your tribe

How to stop feeling lonely and connect with your tribe

Have you ever said, "does anyone out there get me, view the world the same way I do, understand how I feel, where is my tribe, where are my people?

Today I'm sharing 3 things I've learned to kick out the lonely and connect with your tribe.

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Your past does not have to be your future

(Originally posted at 


The amazing thing about life is that we always have the opportunity to see a new day.  

What happened yesterday has no bearing on what will happen in the present.

The only thing we bring with us as we travel forward through time our story about who we are or who we were told we were supposed to be.

We often hang on to other’s definition of who we are stemming from childhood or teenage years.

This characterization, while so out dated is familiar and we may wear it like a badge. We cling to what we know even if it does not serve us.

The challenge is to rewrite our story.

What happened in the past is the past. So, who are you now? What new foundation can you lay so that you move forward with security and safety?

Paint where you have come from in a positive light.

Challenges have only made you stronger and more appreciate of what others take for granted.

Highlight good times and moments you have felt all your needs being met. Feel where you want to go and know that you have support. Breathe in a fresh new perspective and move into your future feeling blessed with strength and resilience.