Does your soul sing

What are you doing in life if not working, living and breathing your passion? 

MANY today have sacrificed what makes them happy for what they were told they were supposed to do.  So 1950’s!  Today, we live in a time where 9 year olds are CEOs of multimillion dollar companies, information is as close as a key stroke and the sky is the limit when it comes to innovation.

With so much possibility in the world, what are you waiting for? 

Passion denotes a compelling feeling, enthusiasm or desire for something.  Generated in the 2nd Chakra, it is where ideas go through gestation to be delivered into the world. 

Let’s see if we can get you closer to figuring out your passion:

  • What recurring ideas for projects keep coming to you? 
  • What activities or topics really excite you? 
  • What could you not live without? 
  • What is your ideal life? 
  • If money were not an issue, what would you do for a living? 
  • What makes you happy and fulfilled? 
  • What could you do for work that would really be like a hobby? 
  • What talents do you have that you enjoy?

When you are in alignment with what excites you, joy transforms the life you knew into a life full of fulfillment.  Stay focused on purpose and passion and you will find yourself living your way into a renewed life.