A checklist for mind, body, spirit balance


Every now and then I've found it extremely helpful to do a little personal inventory.  Life just seems to flow much better when mind, body and spirit are aligned.  I'm sharing an exercise that's been super helpful in organizing my self-improvement efforts. 

Ask yourself… 

1)  Am I paying attention to my body’s signs and symptoms?

2) Am I getting enough “me” time?

3)  Am I expressing gratitude often enough?

4)  Am I avoiding comparison of my life to that of others?

5)  Am I listening to my soul?

6)  Am I saying kind things about the person I see when I look in the mirror each morning?

7)  Have I figured out a way to manage relationships that “need some work"?

8)  Do I believe in faith?

9)  Have I done what I can to strengthen my relationship with my spouse/partner/friends/kids/parents?

10)  How many hours a week am I spending on social media, the computer, phone or TV?

Now for the fun part....

Jot your answer down. You get to decide the changes you will make to usher in greater fulfillment. Enjoy.

I hope this was helpful for you....

