Faith, even when it's hard

I love this quote: “Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see” by William Newton Clarke.


I’ve always felt that you rely on faith to take you where the spirit and soul want to go.

In the ancient energetic chakra system, the 7th power center relates to a higher order. Spiritual connection and spiritual language transcend mundane physical limitation. In this space all things are possible.

As we listen to our inner voice we are often guided on a path where we meet little resistance. It’s in the communion with our spiritual self that we find our calling, purpose and mission.

When we pause and listen we find the answers and solutions to our greatest challenges.

What lesson do you find yourself repeating? What are you holding on to? Where are you stopped?

It takes a great deal of courage to be in the flow of the divine. 

The spiritual sense of surrender and bliss are treasured senses that must be remembered. We’re born with the ability to flow. For some, life interferes tossing circumstances that seemingly need a controlling hand.

Practice makes perfect. Some spiritual followers spend a life time tweaking their relationship with the divine. It takes faith mixed with meditation and prayer to quiet the mind. It’s in this formula that clear, divine right action steps are given. Sometimes to do nothing, somethings to initiate great acts.

Faith is defying the emotion of fear and doubt.

Seemingly so contradictory, there is something that propels us to step into the unknown knowing that everything will work out fine. It is the inner instinctive knowing that brings us to the whispers of our soul’s song and messages from beyond. When challenged, let’s talk less, listen more and rely a bit more on faith.

I hope this was helpful for you.

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Blessings to you,
