Is inflammation making you feel like you need to lose weight?

Is inflammation making you feel like you need to lose weight?

Folks often say, “Ugggh, I really need to drop about 10 pounds”. What I think most are saying is that they want to reduce the appearance of looking heavy which is manifesting as swelling, puffiness and poor water metabolism.  Many times, systemic inflammation which can make someone appear bloated and heavy is what’s contributing to challenging weight maintenance and feeling overweight.

Check out this post to see how reducing inflammation can reduce pounds.

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4 spices for weight loss

4 spices for weight loss

What if you could boost your weight loss using tools that may already be in your kitchen cabinet?  I love flavorful food and knowing there are a few spices that will also kick up my metabolism is an added bonus.

Check out this video to find out which spices will rev up your weight loss.

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Homemade Pizza Recipe

Homemade Pizza Recipe

Who doesn't love pizza? My family LOVES my homemade pizza pie.  

I usually make them on a Friday night and change up the toppings from week to week.  They're usually loaded with veggies and cooked on whole wheat dough.  I pack in the flavor and everyone goes bak for more. 

In this post I'm sharing my tried and true favorite pizza recipe.  


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I understand the wellness struggle

I understand the wellness struggle

There was once a time that my diet consisted of copious amounts of Pizza Hut, pizza and soda as well as meals from Burger King, McDonalds and Jack N The Box.  

Check out this blog post to see how I became the health nut I am today.... it wasn't easy.

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Green juice vs. green smoothie- How to get started

Green juice vs. green smoothie- How to get started

You don't necessarily need a Vitamix, Blendtec or fancy juicer to make a green drink.  There are great benefits to juicing and making green smoothies.  

Check out this blog post for a quick Green Drink 101 overview to get started with the green craze.

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What's the deal with gluten?!

With all the gluten hype, I've needed to remind myself why I avoid this vilified food complex.  

Am I caught up in the hype?  

Am I that easily influenced by marketing?  I then hear the little, big voice inside that reminds me of the headaches, bloating, acne and other unmentionable symptoms that arise when I eat something with gluten.

Gluten awareness is in fact not a fad, but a red flag that something is wrong or different with our food.

Many do chalk gluten free labeling/living/foods up to a passing trend, retorting,  "how could something my family has eaten for generations be bad?".  Others who have identified the culprit to feeling so incredibly awful, are so thankful to know they are not alone.  How wonderful it is that gluten free foods have become more readily available.

A bit about gluten:

  • Gluten is a protein complex. It is wheat, barley and spelt, millet, semolina, kamut and may be cross contaminated due to processing in rye and oats.

  • It may be added to dough to help bread rise in baking.

  • Wheat has been augmented through hybridization to contain 90 percent more gluten than that of our grandparents generation.

  • We are over exposed to gluten as it is in most processed foods.

  • Many have underlying digestive issues that contribute to gluten sensitivity.

  • We are a "sicker" society due to air pollution, chemical and heavy metal toxicity stress and junk food, contributing to an inability to handle more burden on the body from food allergies.

  • Gluten is added to far more foods as a thickening/binding agent than ever before

  • Symptoms related to gluten sensitivity or intolerance include: digestive disorders, headaches/migraines, sinus troubles, diabetes, osteoporosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, weight management challenges, arthritis, MS and other auto immune conditions.

  • Gluten intolerance is essentially an allergy. Histamine is released when introduced in the body. Stomach cramps, skin eruptions, itching, swelling, hives, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea may be experiences soon after.

  • Histamine is not produced in a gluten sensitivity. Symptoms may be experienced over time.

  • Celiac disease is an auto immune condition that is caused by foods with gluten. The standard for diagnosis is biopsy of the small intestine.

  • Good substitutes for foods with gluten are amaranth, quinoa, rice as a grain or milled into a flour. You can also try coconut or Jerusalem artichoke flour.

Why are people reacting to gluten?

You would wonder why people are so sensitive to gluten theses days.  The cause is linked to a few factors including, frequent exposure/ingestion, the modification and chemical treatment of foods that creates an allergic response and genetic risk factors.  

Let's face it, gluten is everywhere and as a society, we are consuming it in mass quantities.   

I strive to eat gluten free for myself and my family.  I also suggest it to my patients as I've seen many symptoms clear up with the elimination of it from the diet.  Now that you have some basic in's and out's, you make the call.